Measuring the success of your firm’s inbound marketing strategy

law firm inbound marketing

What gets measured gets done, but how do you measure the impact of your firm’s inbound marketing efforts? According to HubSpot’s State of Inbound 2017 report 46% of businesses said that inbound marketing (that’s content marketing, email marketing and even social media promotion) generated more return per $ invested than other marketing activities. This isn’t that surprising when you consider how expensive traditional business development activities…

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Which social media platforms are right for your firm?

Social media platform strategy

You may have the best written and most informative content in the world on your blog, but without a social media strategy, you’re likely to be missing out on a huge swath of your possible audience. Social media channels are ideal for pushing out your own content, with the view of bringing viewers to your website. It also represents an opportunity to interact with…

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